Annual pearlwort
Sagina apetala

Sagina apetala
Mountain Učka, Croatia



Sagina apetala is a species of flowering plant in the family Caryophyllaceae known by the common names annual pearlwort and dwarf pearlwort. It is native to Europe and it is known elsewhere as an introduced species, including parts of North America. It grows in many types of disturbed habitat, such as cracks in the sidewalk. It is a petite annual herb producing a threadlike stem just a few centimeters long, spreading or growing erect. The plant is glandular and somewhat hairy. The leaves are linear in shape and not more than about a centimeter long. The inflorescence is a solitary flower borne on a threadlike pedicel. The flower has usually four sepals and generally no petals. Basal leaves are large, kidney-shaped, leaf margin is toothed. The leaves are glabrous on both sides.

Sagina apetala je vrsta cvjetnice iz obitelji Caryophyllaceae poznate pod zajedničkim nazivima jednogodišnja bisernica i patuljasta bisernica. Porijeklom je iz Europe, a drugdje je poznata kao uvedena vrsta, uključujući dijelove Sjeverne Amerike.

Сагина апетала је врста цветне биљке из породице Цариопхиллацеае, позната под заједничким називима једногодишња бисерница и патуљаста бисерница. Пореклом је из Европе и позната је као уведена врста другде, укључујући делове Северне Америке.

Sagina apetala je druh kvitnúcej rastliny z čeľade Caryophyllaceae, známy pod spoločnými názvami perlorodka ročná a perlorodka trpasličí. Pochádza z Európy a inde, vrátane častí Severnej Ameriky, je známy ako introdukovaný druh.