Oxford ragwort
Senecio squalidus

Senecio squalidus
Mountain Učka, Croatia



Senecio squalidus, known as Oxford ragwort, is a flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. It is a yellow-flowered herbaceous plant, native to mountainous, rocky or volcanic areas, that has managed to find other homes on man-made and natural piles of rocks, war-ruined neighborhoods and even on stone walls. These habitats resemble its well drained natural rocky homeland. The plants have spread via the wind, rail and the activities of botanists. The travels of this short-lived perennial, biennial, or winter annual make it a good subject for studies of the evolution and ecology of flowering plants.

Senecio squalidus, poznata kao oksfordska krpa, cvjetnica je iz porodice tratinčica Asteraceae. To je zeljasta biljka žutih cvjetova, porijeklom iz planinskih, stjenovitih ili vulkanskih područja.

Сенецио скуалидус, познат као оксфордска тканина, је цветна биљка из породице тратинчица Астерацеае. То је зељаста биљка са жутим цветовима, пореклом из планинских, стеновитих или вулканских подручја.

Senecio squalidus, známy ako oxfordská tkanina, je kvitnúca rastlina z čeľade Asteraceae. Je to bylinná rastlina so žltými kvetmi, pôvodom z horských, skalnatých alebo sopečných oblastí.