Red clover
Trifolium pratense

Trifolium pratense
Mountain Učka, Croatia



Trifolium pratense, the red clover, is a herbaceous species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae, native to Europe, Western Asia, and northwest Africa, but planted and naturalized in many other regions.
It is widely grown as a fodder crop, valued for its nitrogen fixation, which increases soil fertility. For these reasons, it is used as a green manure crop. Several cultivar groups have been selected for agricultural use, mostly derived from T. pratense var. sativum. It has become naturalised in many temperate areas, including the Americas and Australasia as an escape from cultivation.
Due to its beauty, it is used as an ornamental plant.Basal leaves are large, kidney-shaped, leaf margin is toothed. The leaves are glabrous on both sides.

Trifolium pratense, crvena djetelina, zeljasta je vrsta cvjetnice iz obitelji graha Fabaceae, porijeklom iz Europe, zapadne Azije i sjeverozapadne Afrike, ali zasađena i naturalizirana u mnogim drugim regijama.

Трифолиум пратенсе, црвена детелина, је зељаста врста цветне биљке из породице пасуља Фабацеае, пореклом из Европе, западне Азије и северозападне Африке, али је засађена и натурализована у многим другим регионима.

Trifolium pratense, ďatelina červená, je bylinný druh kvitnúcej rastliny z čeľade fazuľovité Fabaceae, pôvodom z Európy, západnej Ázie a severozápadnej Afriky, ale vysádzaný a naturalizovaný v mnohých iných oblastiach.